Gmod MongoDB Wrapper
GmodMongoDb is a Garry's Mod module that provides a wrapper around the MongoDB C# Driver.
First load this module using the Gmod.NET function dotnet.load
Instantiate a client using a valid MongoDB connection string:
client = MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient("mongodb://myusername:superdupersecretpassword@")
You should only have a single client. You can re-use that for multiple different databases.
Fetching data
Get a database object, then get a collection object from it:
local database = client:GetDatabase("myappname")
local collection = database:GetCollection(
Since we are binding to C# methods and classes, some of those may be generic. For that reason you may need to supply a generic type using the GenericType
function. Any class that has a constructor can be used as a generic type.
You can filter using a BSON Document or function.
Using a Lua table to filter:
local filterDocument = MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument.Parse(
_id = "STEAM_0:1:123456"
local filter = MongoDB.Driver.BsonDocumentFilterDefinition(filterDocument)
local amount = collection:CountDocuments(filter)
Using a JSON string to filter:
local filterDocument = MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument.Parse("{_id: 'STEAM_0:1:123456'}")
local filter = MongoDB.Driver.BsonDocumentFilterDefinition(filterDocument)
local amount = collection:CountDocuments(filter)
Using a function to filter is not supported.
Inserting data
Using a JSON string to insert data:
local newDocument = MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument.Parse(
name = "Jane Doe",
age = 28,
alive = true,
Differences with the MongoDB .NET Driver
This module automatically binds to version 2.19
of the MongoDB .NET Driver. You can find it's API documentation here.
Most of the functionality and usage in Lua should be identical to it's C# variant. The only differences are caused by Lua missing some features that C# has (like generics, classes and constructors).
This means that besides our documentation you may find the .NET MongoDB Driver API Reference helpful.
Some examples of differences
In C#:
var client = new MongoClient(connectionString)
In GmodMongoDb Lua objects are instantiated by calling the type as a function:
local client = MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient(connectionString)
Getting a database from a client
In C#:
var database = client.GetDatabase("dbName")
In GmodMongoDb Lua:
local database = client:GetDatabase("dbName")
In C#:
var collection = client.GetCollection<MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument>("collectionName")
In GmodMongoDb Lua generics are passed as the first arguments to a function, using the
helper function:local collection = client:GetCollection(GenericType(MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument), "collectionName")
When a generic type argument can be inferred from the type of a parameter, you can omit the
call:local filterDocument = MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument.Parse("{_id: 'STEAM_0:1:123456'}") -- These are both valid notations: local a = MongoDB.Driver.BsonDocumentFilterDefinition(GenericType(MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument), filterDocument) local b = MongoDB.Driver.BsonDocumentFilterDefinition(filterDocument) -- can be inferred because filterDocument is of the type MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument